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The only way to absolutely guarantee that your food has been responsibly planted, harvested, and processed is to grow it yourself.

Not everyone can be a farmer, though; communities also need teachers, artisans, and doctors. When you choose Farmer Direct Organic, you’re investing in a food future that is good for you, your family, your farmers, and the planet.

By the time our products reach your kitchen, they have passed some of the most rigorous safety tests of any grocery item. All Farmer Direct Organic products are certified organic in the United States and Canada, they are all lab-tested for trace amounts of pesticides, and they are Certified ISO Food Safety 22000, a food safety standard created by the International Organization for Standardization to reduce food-borne illnesses. If a batch raises concerns, it isn’t processed. Period. 

But just because a product is safe to eat doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Heart disease causes one in four preventable deaths in the United States. To address this tragedy, the Centers for Disease Control recommends replacing diets that are high in sugar and saturated fats with diets that are high in whole grains, lean protein, and fiber—an essential nutrient for managing cholesterol and diabetes.

Organic isn’t just better for eaters; it’s better for growers, too. The conventional agricultural approach identifies a problem and kills it with toxic chemicals. As a result, farm workers in the United States are eight times more likely to suffer from pesticide-related cancers. Organic agriculture pursues creative alternatives through regeneration and biodiversity. Farmer Direct Organic is exclusively organic because we put our people before profit, always.

Human dignity includes access to clean water and healthy food choices. Farmers see the effects of those choices first hand, and nowhere more clearly than in the soil. Topsoil may look inactive from the surface, but it’s teeming with worms, insects, microorganisms, and beneficial fungi that colonize healthy plant tissue just like the bacteria and organisms that enable human digestion. Attacking problems with poisons makes as much sense as treating every digestive issue with antibiotics.

Resilient bodies are powered by wholesome foods grown in healthy soils. Unfortunately, consumers are increasingly being sold fraudulent claims of organic, often hidden in untraceable supply chains. If you can’t trace your food back to the family farm that grew it, can you be certain it’s organic? Every Farmer Direct Organic product is traceable back to the source. Contact us with the lot number on your package, and we’ll tell you who grew your food.

We all need to do more than avoid pesticides if we’re going to meaningfully address environmental concerns. We must actively regenerate our ecosystems. Regenerative agriculture depends upon rotating crops to invigorate soil nutrition, strip-cropping to address erosion on slopes, multi-cropping, cover-cropping, under-seeding, and minimal-tillage. It includes rotational grazing, biodiversity, composted manure and teas, heritage and ancient varieties of grain. Organic agriculture is all these practices employed in concert to build soil fertility, to sequester greenhouse gases, and to grow vibrant whole foods.

An organic food future is here. Join the evolution.